Welcome  7th  Graders!

Key Word Definitions

How many Key Words  do you know?

Here's a list of important words
with their definitions
for you to study & know.
Class 1 - Week 1 Key Words: Welcome to 'Jesus Our Lord & Savior'

Monotheism is belief that there is only ONE God.


Polytheism is believing in or worship of MANY gods.


Believer is an adherent of a particular religion; someone with religious faith.


Non-believer is a person who does not believe in something, especially one who has no religious faith


Atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.


Agnostic is a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.


Christianity is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and its beliefs and practices.


Paganism is a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion, and often involves nature worship.


Christian is a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.


Catholic -- The word “catholic” means universal or whole. It is one of the 4 Marks of the Church because Jesus is fully present in it; it proclaims the fulness of faith; Jesus has given the Church to the whole world.


Relativism is a theory that knowledge, truth & morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, & are NOT absolute. Thus, there is no absolute truth --- NOT a doctrine of the Catholic Church.


Moral law is a rule for living established by God & people in authority for the good of all.  Moral laws are based on God’s direction to us to do what is right & avoid what is wrong.  Some are ‘written’ in the human heart & others have been revealed by God in Old Testament & in the new law given to us by Jesus.


Natural law is that part of the moral law ‘written’ in the human  heart. We can know natural law through our own reasoning because our Creator has placed knowledge of it in our hearts. 


Faith is a gift from God that helps us believe in him. We profess our faith in the Creed, celebrate it in the sacraments, live by it through our god conduct of loving God & our neighbor, & express it in prayer.  It is personal adherence of the whole person to God, who has revealed himself to us through words & actions throughout history.


Word root: theo-  The root theo comes from the Greek theos for ‘god’, such theology is the study of God.


Dei is a Latin word for God, such Agnus Dei means Lamb of God, and Dei Gratia (By the Grace of God).


Divine means of God, from God, or like God.


Free will is the ability to choose. God gave us free will to made us like him. Choosing to do good increases our freedom, & using our free will to choose sin makes us slaves to sin.


Heresy is a religious belief that opposes or denies any divinely revealed truth of the Catholic faith.


Class 2 - Week 2 Key Words: God Where Are You?

Heaven is a state of complete happiness & fulfilled deepest wishes of the human heart because we are in complete union with God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit forever, in a life & love that never ends.


Hell is a state of being in complete separation from God forever. In his infinite love for us, God can only desire our salvation. Hell is the result of the free choice of a person’s to reject God’s love & forgiveness once & for all.


Purgatory is a state of final cleansing after death of all our human imperfections to prepare us to enter into the joy of God’s presence in heaven.


Original Sin is the first sin committed, the consequence of the first human beings, Adam & Eve, who choose to disobey God & chose to follow their own will rather than do God’s will.  As a result, human beings lost the original blessings God had intended, and became subject to sin & death.  In Baptism, we are restored to life with God through Jesus Christ, although we still experience the effects of Original Sin.

Law of Moses, also known as Mosaic Law, is the body of civil, moral, & religious legislation found in the last 4 books of the Pentateuch & traditionally ascribed to Moses. The foundation of this law is the Decalogue (10 Commandments - Exodus 20), & its center is the Book of the Covenant (Exodus 20-23). The civil legislation is mainly in Exodus (18-23), & Deuteronomy (16-26). The moral laws are in Exodus (20-23), supplemented by Leviticus (11-20) and Deuteronomy (5). The religious & ceremonial precepts are in Exodus (25-30) & especially Leviticus (1-27). Compared with similar law in other nations of that time, the Mosaic code is vastly superior by reason of its strong monotheism, its proclamation of God as the only source & final sanction of all laws, & from its summation of the whole law in the love of God & of neighbor.


Creed is a brief summary of what people believe. The word ‘creed’ comes from the Latin credo , which means ‘I believe’.


Nicene Creed is the summary of Christian beliefs developed by the bishops at the first 2 councils of the Church, held in A.D. 325 & 381.  It is the creed shared by most Christians in the East & West.

Death is the cessation of the bodily functions of a human being through the departure of the soul, & is a consequence of Adam's sin.  Death is also the end of human probation or testing of one's loyalty to God. It ends all possibility of merit or demerit.


Last Judgment is the final judgement of all human beings that will occur when Christ returns in glory & all appear in their own bodies before him to give an account of all their deeds in life.  In the presence of Christ, the truth of each person’s relationship with God will be laid bare, as will the good each person has done or failed to do during his/her earthly life.  At that time, God’s kingdom will come in its fullness.


Particular Judgement is the judgement made by Christ, received by every person at the moment of death that offers either entrance into heaven (after a period of purification in Purgatory if needed), or immediate & eternal separation from God in hell.  At the moment of death, each person is rewarded by Christ in accordance with his/her works & faith.


Covenant is a solemn vow / agreement between people, or between people & God.  God made covenants with humanity through agreements with Noah, Abraham, & Moses.  These covenants offered salvation.  God’s new & final covenant was established through Jesus’ life, Death & Resurrection.  ‘Testament’ is another word for covenant.


Bible is the collection of 73 books containing the truths of God’s Revelation to us.  These writings were inspired by the Holy Spirit & written by human beings.


Scripture is the holy writings of Jews & Christians collected in the Old & New Testaments of the Bible.


Torah is the Hebrew word for ‘law’.  It is also the name of the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.


Pentateuch is Greek for ‘5 books’. It refers to the 1st 5 books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy. The Pentateuch tells of the Creation, the beginning of God’s special people, & the Covenant.  In Hebrew, it is called ‘Torah’, meaning the  “law”


Concupiscence is the inordinate desire for gratification of our senses (the flesh) contrary to reasoning (the spirit); appetite versus reason.  It is a result of Original Sin.


Single Deposit of Faith is comprised of both Scripture & Tradition.


Tradition is the beliefs & practices of the Church that are passed down from one generation to the next under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  What Christ entrusted to the apostles was handed on to others both orally & in writing. Tradition & Scripture together make up the single deposit of the Word of God, which remains present & active in the Church.


Inspired means influenced by the Holy Spirit.  The human authors of the Scripture were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The creative inspiration of the Holy Spirit makes sure that the Scripture is taught according to the truth God wants us to know for our salvation.

Class 3 - Week 3 Key Words: God Reveals Himself

Incarnation means ‘God made flesh’; Jesus, Son of God, being born as a full human being to save us.  Jesus is fully God & fully man.


Emmanuel means ‘God with us’ in Hebrew. & in Mathew’s Gospel.


Jesus - The name Jesus means ‘God saves’.


Gospel is the good news of God’s mercy & love as revealed in the story of Jesus’ life written in the 3 gospels.


Old Testament is the 1st 46 books of the Bible which tells of God’s covenant with  people of Israel & his plan for the salvation of all.


New Testament is the 27 books of the 2nd part of the Bible, which tell of the teaching ministry & saving events of life of Jesus.


Typologyis a tool for understanding the Bible, seeing ‘types’ as symbolic precursors of events. As Saint Augustine said: “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.” 


Synoptic Gospels refer to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, & Luke, which have many similarities among them.  Synoptic means ‘similar’.


Infancy narratives are accounts of the infancy & childhood of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew & Luke, which proclaim Jesus is Messiah & Savior.


Acts of the Apostles is the book of the NT that tells the story of the apostles and the early Church.  It follows the 4 Gospels.


Epistle is a letter written by St. Paul or other leader to Christian/s in the early Church.  21 out of the 27 books of the NT are epistles.


Messiah means ‘Anointed One’ in Hebrew, which is the same as the Greek word ‘Christ’.  It is a title given to Jesus as priest, prophet, & king.


Theotokos is a title of the Mary & means ‘Mother of God’.


Evangelist is a writer of 1 of the 4 Gospels.  It also refers to anyone engaged in spreading the gospel news.

Class 4 - Week 4 Key Words: Who Am I?

Eternal Life is the never-ending life after death with God, granted to those who die as God’s friends, with the grace of God alive in them.


Abba is an informal word for father in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke.  It is like ‘dad’ in English. When Jesus spoke to God the Father, he called him ‘Abba’.


Adore means to worship God above all else because He is our Creator.  The 1st Commandment requires us to adore God alone.


Devil (Satan) is a spirit created good by God who became evil by disobedience. The devil tempted Adam & Eve to sin, & still tempts us today.  But God’s grace is stronger than the works of the devil.


Conscience is the inner voice that helps each of us judge the morality of our own actions.  It guides us to follow God’s law by doing good & avoiding evil.


Alleluia is an acclamation meaning ‘praise God’.  Alleluia is sung before the Gospel except during Lent.


Blessing is a prayer that calls for God’s power & care upon some person, place, thing, or special activity.


Altar is the table in the church on which the priest celebrates Mass, where the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is made present in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The altar represents 2 aspects of the mystery of the Eucharist.  It is the place where Jesus offers himself for our sins & where he gives us himself as our food for eternal life.


Idolatry is the worship of false gods, either a person or a thing or a creature, which could be power, pleasure, or money in place of the Creator.  Idolatry is a sin against the 1st Commandment.


Lord is the name used for God to replace Yahweh, the name he revealed to Moses, which was considered too sacred to pronounce. It indicates the divinity of Israel’s God.  The NT uses the title LORD for both the Father & for Jesus, recognizing him as God himself.


Prayer is the raising of our hearts & minds to God.  We are able to speak to & listen to God because he teaches us how to pray.


Sacrifice is a ritual offering of animals or produce made to God by the priest in the Temple in Jerusalem.  Sacrifice was a sign of the people’s adoration of God, giving thanks to God, or asking for his forgiveness.  Sacrifice also showed union with God.   The great high priest, Christ, accomplished our redemption through the perfect sacrifice of his Death on the Cross.


Soul is the part of us that makes us human & an image of God.  Body & soul together form one unique human nature. The soul is responsible for our consciousness & for our freedom.  The soul does not die & is reunited with the body in the final resurrection.


Salvation is the gift, which God alone can give, of forgiveness of sin & the restoration of friendship with him.


Sanctify is to make holy, to separate from sin, to set aside for sacred use, to consecrate.


Salvation History is the story of God’s loving relationship with is people, which tells how God carries out his plan to save all people.

Class 5 - Week 5 Key Words: Who IS Jesus?

Sin is a deliberate thought, word, deed, or a failure to act that offends God & hurts our relationship with other people. Some sin is mortal sin; some is venial sim.


Jews is the name given to the Hebrew people, from the time of the Exile to the present.  The name means “the people who live in the territory of Judah”, the area of Palestine surrounding Jerusalem.  Jesus was a Jew.


Judaism is the name of the religion of Jesus & all the people of Israel after they returned from exile in Babylon &built the 2nd temple.


Gentile is a non-Jew.  It is the name given to the foreign people by the Jews after the Exile.  They were non-believers who worshipped false gods, in contrast to the Jewish people who received God’s law.


Pharisees is a sect in Judaism that began 100 years before Jesus.  They saw Judaism as a religion centered on the strict observance of the Law.  They started & controlled the synagogues, & believed in life after death.  ‘Pharisee’ means ‘separated one.  They preserved the Jewish religion after the fall of Jerusalem. Saul/Paul was a Pharisee.


Sadducees is a sect of Jews who come from the wealthy class, are often priests  & work closely with Rome. We believe only the Torah are from God, & do not believe in life after death.  After Jesus’ resurrection, the Sadducees stepped up the persecution of the Christians.


Essenes is a Jewish sect that were unhappy with the way their faith was being lived, so they sought to live a pure life in a community in the desert.  The location of this community was discovered with the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947-56.


Zealots were Jewish freedom fighters who zealously defended the Mosaic Law & the national life of the Jewish people, & worked to overthrow Rome from the time of Herod until the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

Scribes are scholarly teachers, recorders & rulers on points of law.   The scribes held authority because of their knowledge, & along with the Pharisees & High Priests, opposed Jesus.


Sanhedrin is the supreme council, Israel’s high court, comprised of 70 Jewish men in Judea, plus the High Priest.  The council enforces Mosaic Law & holds power over many aspects of Jewish daily life, by its own police force.


High Priest is the president of the Sanhedrin.


Publicans were Jews who had the job of tax-collector for Rome & thus were disliked by the Jews.  The apostle Matthew was a publican.


Samaritans are a racially mixed society with Jewish & pagan ancestry, living in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  They worshipped Yahweh as did the Jews, but they were not mainstream Judaism & their temple was on Mount Gerazini, not on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.


Blasphemy is the act of thinking or speaking words of hatred or defiance against God. It extends to language that disrespects the Church, the saints, or holy things.


Miracle is a sign or act of wonder that cannot be explained by natural causes but are a work of God.


Parable is a simple story that Jesus told to show us what the Kingdom of God is like.  Parables present images drawn from everyday life.  These images show us the radical choice we make when we respond to the invitation to the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom of God is God’s rule over us, announced in the Gospels & present in the Eucharist. The beginning of the kingdom here on earth is mysteriously present in the Church, & it will come in completeness at the end of time.

Class 6 - Week 6 Key Words:  Jesus' World & His Kingdom

Shema is the title of a prayer that serves as a centerpiece of the morning & evening Jewish prayer services.  It is Hebrew & means listen, obey & keep God’s covenant.


Disciple is a person who has accepted Jesus’ message & tries to live as he did, sharing his mission, his suffering, & his joys.


Apostle means ‘one sent’ to preach the Gospel to the whole world; the 12 special men chosen by Jesus who accompanied him in his ministry & were witness to the Resurrection.


Commandment is a standard or rule for living as God wants us to live.  Jesus summarized all the commandments into 2: love God & love your neighbor.


Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus given in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel.  They are 8 ways of living the Christian life & a way to true happiness.  They fulfill the commandments given to Moses.


The Christ is the Anointed One; also called as the Messiah.


Witness is the passing on of the Faith to others, by our words & actions.  Every Christian has the duty to give witness to the good news about Jesus.


Biblical Canon or canon of scripture is a set of texts (or "books") which the Catholic Church regards as authoritative scripture.  The canon of the NT was determined by Church councils in the 4-5th centuries A.D. at the Council of Hippo (393 A.D.) & Council of Carthage (397, 419 A.D.).


Priest represents people in offering sacrifice to God.  Jesus as priest offered himself to the Father on the Cross. 

Prophet hears God’s word & proclaims it.  Jesus as Prophet delivered the Good News that the Father wanted made known: ‘Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand’.  He like many other prophets was killed for proclaiming God’s word.


King is a man who rules in God’s name.  Jesus as King is Lord of the universe as a result of his Incarnation, Death, Resurrection & Ascension.

Class 7 - Week 7 Key Words:  Jesus' Mission

Inerrancy is the teaching of the Catholic Church that the Bible taches the truths of the faith necessary for our salvation without error.  Because God inspired the human authors, he is the author of the Sacred Scriptures.  This gives us the assurance that they teach his saving truths without error, even though certain historical & scientific information may not be accurate.  With the help of the Holy Spirit & the Church, we interpret what God wants to reveal to us about our salvation through the sacred authors.


Magisterium is the living teaching office of the Church.  This office, through the bishops & with the pope, provides an authentic interpretation of the Word of God.  It ensures faithfulness to the teaching of the apostles in matter of faith & morals.


Infallibility is the gift the Holy Spirit has given to the Church that ensures that the pope & the bishops in union with the pope can proclaim as true the doctrines that involve faith & morals.   It is an extension of the fact that a whole body of believers cannot be in error when it comes to questions of faith & morals.


Trinity is the mystery of the existence of 1 God in 3 persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.  Each person is God, whole & entire. Each is distinct only in relationship to the others.


Triune God means 3 persons in 1 God.


Sola Scriptura is the Scripture/Bible alone.


Septuagint (abbreviation LXX) is a translation of the Hebrew Bible into the Koine Greek language. The name “Septuagint” comes from the Latin word for seventy. The tradition is that 70 (or 72) Jewish scholars were the translators behind the Septuagint. It was translated in the 3rd & 2nd  centuries B.C. in Alexandria, Egypt.  It is the most ancient translation of the Old Testament and consequently is invaluable.


Vulgate is a Latin translation of the Bible, prepared chiefly by Saint Jerome at the end of the 4th century that became, during the 16th century, the Catholic Church's officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible


Grace is the gift of God, given to us without our meriting it.  Grace is the Holy Spirit alive in us, helping us to live as God wants us to.


Class 8 - Week 8 Key Words:  Jesus Leads us to God

Eschatology is the study of the end times, the final days.


Parousia is the second coming of Christ to the earth.


Paschal Mystery is the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus through his Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension, which is celebrated in every Mass.


Resurrection of Jesus is the bodily raising of Jesus from the dead on the 3rd day after his death on the cross.  The Resurrection is the crowning truth of our faith.


Transfiguration of Jesus is an event reported in the NT when Jesus is transfigured & becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain top & the prophets Moses & Elijah appear next to him, as the apostles, Peter, James & John witness the event.


Ascension of Jesus is the entry of Jesus onto God’s presence in heaven.

Class 9 - Week 9 Key Words: Paschal Mystery --  Jesus Loves Us

Moral Choice is a choice to do what is right or not do what is wrong.


Mystery is a religious truth that we can know only through God’s Revelation & that we cannot fully understand.  Our faith is a mystery that we profess in the Creed, & celebrate in the liturgy & the sacraments.


Mystical Body of Christ is the members of the Church formed into a spiritual body & bound together by the life communicated by Jesus Christ through the sacraments.  Christ is the center & source of the life of this body.  In it, we are all united.  Each member of the body receives from Christ gifts fitting for him/her.


Lectionary is the official book that contains all the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word.


Parish is a stable community of believers in Jesus Christ, who meet regularly in a specific area to worship God under the leadership of a pastor.

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